brand new blog :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013


they act like they are all high and mighty. they love to use other people to do their own job. call it whatever you want. bullying is still bullying. kinda tired with all your task.i came here to learn not to photocopying. believe in qada' and qadar. now u can have your way and bully me.later on,maybe u will be the one that people will bully and use. and in the worst case scenario, i will be one of the 'people'. gtg. #random

Thursday, April 11, 2013


assalammualaikum. yeah as the tittle said,dark.i'm in the dark now and i literally mean it as now i am sitting in the dark without turning on the lights. it's cool.i like to sit in the dark. and yeah. i kinda want to just write about anything in this blog having seated in this dark place. hehe so here's my story. my nephew is like 4 yrs old now and i haven't saw him since last year. i miss him but when we talk on the phone he just have to be that most annoying kid ever having saying nothing beside 'dah laa..' hey kiddo, can u speak moreee??? your aunt here is dying to have proper conversation with you. and this is not happening to only me but to everyone  else that wishes to converse with him through the phone. please kid. talk! haiyaa i really am frustrated with him.but as my mom said,he's just a kid. don't be so hard on him.yeah yeah yeah. kidsss. nasib lah makcik kau ni penyabar orgnye. haha *tukar bahasa pulak* nvm that. hmm i think that's all i have for this time.i'll update later when i am really bored and really didn't have nothing to do. till then, assalammualaikum! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013


 jealous of them brave people whom can really be themselves and speaks for injustice. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

she.her and the new him...

whom i love and care for
are long gone with her.
the new friend whom i care for
who leaves us after hooking up with him.
whom i started seeing as a friend
took her away along with she and drifted us apart.

we know u first.we always together.we always care about you.but now
 u just far.
we took you into our group after u decided to leave your own group behind.but now
 you  leaves us when you found somebody new.

people just don't change. but there's always the ugly duckling in everything. be safe and take care. ..ASSALAM..

Sunday, December 23, 2012

i'm really ~~ hopeless!

assalam. ok in the past few days my friends and i, we are .... not really in a good relationship. we don't even fight. i don't know what happen but i think it's me who have started all this. i want to make up... but we are not fighting so there's nothing there to make up. i don't know why, lately i think i'm very the point that even i don't recognized my self. hmm. i want to do something but i'm stuck! even if i do something, i have this feeling that this will happen again. i'm afraid to approach them. i'm afraid to hurt them. i'm no good. i'm really hopeless :'( wassalam.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

r a n d o m

perut berbunyi kruuuukk tapi aku baru je makan 2 jam sebelum ni. tsktsk apa mahu jadi ni. hari ni aku berhajat ingin menggunakan bahasa ibunda ku yang tercinta yakni bahasa MELAYU. bahasa melayu ini kalau nak dibandingkan dengan bahasa lain sangat lah indah. lidah kaum melayu pon lembut tau.kami boleh bercakap macam-macam bahasa tanpa slang pon. *mestikaumlainjelesskarang*  okay lari topik. sekarang tengah whatsapp dengan sarah.tapi setelah memperkenalkan viber kat dia,kami tukar berviber pula skarang. buat cuti ini sarah merupakan orang terajin nak hubungi aku. ini kerana antara semua hanya aku adda sarah dan faht sahaja yang menggunakan whatsapp dan viber.faht ke indon jadi tinggal adda dan aku.adda pula tidak selalu aktif jadi list tu telah menjadi aku seorang. jadi konklusinya disini hampir setiap hari kami berwhatsapp.hampir ye.bukan hari-hari. macam sarah takda kerja lain nak whatsapp aku je. oh sebenarnya aku memang xda benda pon nak cakap.macam tajuk post ini juga,random.jadi memang random habis aku buat. seterusnya, semalam mula minum pati delima. alasannya? dia boleh memperlawaskan *korang tahu apa* dia juga boleh mencergaskan tubuh badan tapi yang ni aku x berapa pasti sebab aku rasa sama je.masih bermalas-malasan seperti dulukala.ataupun mungkin juga sebab aku baru minum jadi xdalah efektif sangat. lagi,jus ini juga boleh mengelakkan selsema dan lain lain penyakit yang sewaktu. untuk sedara-sedara yang ada gaot ke boleh lah juga cuba. sebab adalah juga dalam testimoni jus ni tulis benda tu. senang cerita jus ni baik lah untuk kesihatan badan kit. jadi minumlah jus delima! ataupon nama orang putih dia pomegranate. okay tu je kot.takde modal dah nak cerita.bila ada nanti aku akan kembali. salam hormat. ASSALAMMUALAIKUM . love and peace 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

me today is very don't have anyone that me can share me problem is don't know what to is want to go said thankyou for your time :')